Your sensitive child thrives when they are parented DIFFERENTLY than a non-HS child...
You’re here because your senstive child isn’t responding to traditional parenting styles (rewards and punishments).
You’ve tried threats, taking away things, being nice, being patient and then losing it on your kids.
You’ve tried setting boundaries, being strict, and then maybe swinging to the opposite side of things and being too permissive and then feeling really guilty.
Or maybe you are walking on eggshells when you have to ask your child to leave the park and they freak out, or you want to talk to your child about their behavior later on, and they shut down or blame you and so you just avoid it.
Maybe when your child has a meltdown or everyone’s needing you at once, you feel like there’s tentacles coming out of them and squeezing you until you feel exhausted.
But you want to honor your sensitive, spirited, strong willed child’s temperament, and you don’t know how to do that while getting them to listen and having peace in your home.
I have been there, my friends…it’s hard. But you don’t need to go it alone any longer.
I am here to help….
Enter my coaching cocoon...
Now imagine being in a warm, cozy cocoon. You feel calm, safe, protected. You are strong, you are secure.
You can bring anyone you want into this cocoon. Your spouse, your partner, your kids, your best friend.
And when you do, you feel supported, confident, happy.
Your kids feel supported, confident, and happy too.
They are protected, they are loved.
You are cocooned with them and you are all safe and connected.
When you coach with me, we create this safe cocoon together.
And in this coaching cocoon, not only do you feel safe, confident, reassured, and calm, but you have all the resources you need to be the parent you want to be.
You have all the tools to understand your sensitive child and understand yourself and your emotional challenges.
You know exactly how to work with your child and you have a bunch of options to fall back on if one technique doesn’t work at the moment.
In our coaching cocoon, you will learn to trust yourself, trust your child and trust in their future and to know how to help them to the best of your ability.
You will gain tools to stay truly regulated and calm through rewiring your triggers and able to respond with curiosity, logic and empathy.
You will learn how to get your kids to cooperate using connection first.
You will know how to stop fighting with your kids and instead accept them fully while holding them accountable.
You will know how to solve what issues are in your control, including regulating your own emotions and you will make peace with what you can’t change (and take back that energy you are using from resisting those things!)
The first step is to schedule a free consult with me using the link below to get started. During this call we will talk about what you are struggling with in your parenting and I will tell you how I can help you solve it.
Parenting Workshops for Groups
I also offer workshops listed below. Please contact me to schedule at adrienne@adriennebishopcoaching,com.
Helping Your Child Manage Their Emotions
From toddler tantrums to teen angst, in this class you will learn how to help your child navigate dealing with negative emotions in a healthy way and how to react to your child’s feelings in a way that is supportive, peaceful, and confident. When your child is in pain or is acting out, you feel helpless, sad, angry, frustrated and lost as to how to help them. In this class, you will learn tools to help your child process emotion in a healthy way, so they can feel validated and learn the invaluable skill of dealing with pain and disappointment in life. You will also discover how to manage your own feelings surrounding your child’s challenging emotions so that you can show up as the calm, accepting, loving parent that you want to be.
Calm Confident Parenting
Do you struggle with being too reactive to your kids? Do they trigger you more than you’d like? Are you yearning to feel more in control around them? Do you just want to feel like you know what you are doing as a parent more? In this workshop you will learn what prevents you from being calm and confident in your parenting, how to stop parenting emotionally, and instead start solving problems, how to start influencing your kids and stop controlling them so they want to cooperate more often, how to stop reacting and start deciding how you want to respond to them, how to step into calm confident leadership so your kids respect, listen, and trust you and how to crack the kid code and get into their heads when they act out so you can reduce misbehavior and improve your relationship.
Raising Responsible Independent Kids
You want your kids to do their chores, pick up after themselves and take care of themselves without you having to ask (or asking only once). You want your kids to say sorry, take responsibility for their mistakes and think about others and their feelings. You want them to do their homework, get good grades, be independent, and motivated. All of this requires your kids to feel COMPETENT so they have CONFIDENCE to do what they need to do. During this workshop, I will help you to be kind and firm with your kids, and stop doing things for them, so they can gain competence and confidence in themselves.
Building Self-Esteem and Confidence in your Children
In this parenting workshop, you will discover how you as the parent can help increase your child’s self-esteem and confidence, giving them the best chance at reaching their full potential in life. Good self-esteem helps us to create the life we want, face life’s challenges with resilience, have good relationships, and enjoy happiness and success in career and personal life. In this class, you will discover how you can play an integral role in helping your children become successful, emotionally healthy adults.
Parenting with Positive Discipline
Do you find yourself constantly yelling and nagging your kids to listen, and it still doesn’t work? Then Positive Discipline is for you! Positive Discipline is a parenting philosophy that encourages children to think for themselves, become more responsible, and have greater respect for themselves and others. The teachings of Positive Discipline are filled with non-punitive and non-permissive methods that will build relationships and keep the lines of communication open. Parenting the PD way encourages more cooperation, trust, problem solving, confidence building and connection. In this class, you will learn how to speak to your kids without yelling or nagging, so they will cooperate more easily.
Positive Discipline for Toddlers
Toddlers are meant to explore, be curious and push boundaries. But how do you allow them to learn and develop into independent beings while getting them to cooperate, stop throwing tantrums, and overall not run your house? During this workshop, I will teach you positive discipline tools that you can use to get your toddlers to listen WHILE honoring their curiosity and helping them to develop into emotionally self aware kids.
How to Follow Through with What You Say to Your Kids
Are you struggling to follow through after your grand plan to improve your parenting blows up in your face? Is it sometimes just easier to give in and not enforce the rule just so your kid stops whining? If this sounds like you, know you are not alone. All reasonable humans would not want to purposefully upset kids and then have to live with the backlash. It’s just NOT FUN. But what’s also not fun is kids who are overwhelmed because there’s no safe limits. Parents who do everything for their kids and cater to their emotions. Kids who don’t learn about responsibility, how to handle disappointment, and how to do things that are uncomfortable. In this workshop, you will learn how to follow through and overcome your brain’s desire to give in without distressing your or your kids, and in a way that is sustainable and long lasting.
Managing Sibling Conflict
Do you get so stressed out when your kids fight? Do you worry they’re never going to stop? Do you feel powerless when they do? In this workshop, I will teach you how to de-escalate sibling fights, encourage healthy communication and conflict resolution between your kids, give them tools to work through conflict with you intervening, and to reduce the amount of fights your kids have through teaching you tools and emotional self-regulation for you and your kids.