I’ve been when you are…

When my then 3-year-old daughter accidentally toppled a bookshelf during a timeout in her room (luckily, she was okay), I realized I needed to rethink my approach to parenting. But I was clueless about where to begin or what to do. For years, I struggled with managing my three kids, especially navigating the strong emotions of my sensitive ones, all while grappling with my own overwhelming feelings.

Fast forward to today, and my daughter has confided in me that I’ve played a significant role in easing her anxiety. I’ve fostered nurturing relationships with my boys, and I now feel connected, calm, and confident in my parenting journey. How?

By practicing of positive discipline instead of traditional reward and punishment systems. Understanding what it means to be highly sensitive for both my children and myself. Tailoring my parenting to suit their unique temperaments and help them flourish. Rewiring my triggers and habits and trusting my instincts along the way.

Utilizing the tools that have worked wonders for me—and honed through years of coaching—I empower parents to become the calm, confident, and connected figures their sensitive children need to thrive. Through hypnosis techniques grounded in the latest neuroscience research, I help parents stay centered while equipping them with effective parenting strategies that foster emotional well-being in their kids.

Ready to create a deeper connection within your home now? It all starts with you, and I’m here to support you in staying calm and patient along the way. Let’s get started.

FREE GUIDE: 5 Ways to Stay Calm When Your Kids Are Driving You Crazy

Are you tired of TRYING to be patient, but then you just can't stay calm any longer and you lose it on your kids? In this guide I will teach you to easily stay calm using simple techniques that anyone can do, without counting to 10, leaving the room or taking a pause. Don't wait another day to feel in control and calmer!

FREE TRAINING: Parenting Your Highly Sensitive Child

Are you or your child is highly senstive? Get my FREE training and discover what it means to be highly sensitive, the common pitfalls when parenting an HSC, what to do to help your child manage their emotions and what it looks like to be a highly sensitive parent.